Terms and Conditions
We are committed to protecting your privacy. This means that we will not distribute, sell or rent your name or personal information about you to any third party without your permission.
Credit card security
Please feel confident when shopping swimnthings.com. Our system utilizes the latest technology to protect your credit card information and does not release it to any outside organization. All personal data that is transmitted through our site is encrypted using SSL or secure sockets layer technology which encrypts your order information to avoid the decoding of your information by anyone other than our payment gateway, Authorize.net.
Swim 'N Things created this website and holds the copyright for all graphics and design elements. Any reproduction, replication, modification, or distribution of any site designs, graphics, text, or contents is strictly forbidden. Any images displayed on this site are the property of their respective copyright owners. These people have given their consent to Swim 'N Things to display these images via the internet. Any reproduction, replication, modification, or distribution of any images on this site is strictly forbidden, unless the copyright holder gives written permission - specific to their own images - to allow this.
The trademark Swim 'N Things is proprietary to the company. Any other trademarks on the site are proprietary to their respective owners; these companies or their agents have granted the company the right to use their trademarks.
Disclaimer and Limited Liability
The company makes no claims that the information contained on this site is accurate or up-to-date. Every effort has been made to keep the information contained on this site current and factual, but this is by no means guaranteed. The company will not be held responsible for any claims made about any of the products shown. The company offers no warranties of any kind to site users and will not be held liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, or from use of the products listed on or purchased from this site.
Changed Products or Services
The company reserves the right to change products, services, prices, and any other information at any time.
Order Acceptance
The site user can consider his/her order accepted when the sale is processed via whatever payment method s/he has authorized the company to use.
The company views the contents of any correspondence (e-mail, letters, faxes, etc.) the company receives as non-proprietary. The company reserves the right to use these contents to benefit the site or company. Correspondence received from site users may be used to improve the company, as sources of new ideas and policies, to promote and market the company, or for any other purposes the company deems appropriate.
External sites linked from this website
The company provides links to various sites and e-mail addresses to aid the site user. The company is not responsible for any information on those sites, or for any correspondence site users may have with individuals connected with the linked sites and e-mail addresses. The site contains links and pointers to the other sites, resources, and sponsors of the site. Links to and from any site to other third party sites, maintained by third parties, do not constitute an endorsement of their contents. You should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster. We do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed or distributed through the site or other sites linked from our site or referenced in our site.
Updates to this Site User Agreement
Swim 'N Things reserves the right to update these terms and conditions as necessary. The company advises that site users visit this page periodically to stay current.
Representation of Apparel
We do our utmost to ensure that the apparel descriptions and photographs on our site give an accurate representation of the items you wish to buy. However, it is impossible to fully represent apparel with a photograph.
You should be particularly aware of the following factors when viewing items on our site.
Colors may appear differently on different monitors, or under different lighting conditions from those in which the photograph was taken. This is a particular problem with laptop LCD screens.
Different computer monitors will be set to different color resolutions. Older monitors in particular may not accurately reflect colors.
Non-computer devices, such as Web TV, may not accurately reflect the colors.